“I Am Mad About Nigerian Literature …”

“I am mad about Nigerian literature”…says Kurt Thometz, American who sells Nigerian books in New York. By HENRY AKUBUIRO (ifeanyi_mcdaniels@yahoo.com) Lagos Sun, Sunday, February 19, 2006 The world is indebted to Harlem in New York, USA, for its contribution to world literature and art. The Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s was an epoch in American history […]

On Collecting

Style reveals the man. The building of a library is an act of style, an expression of what we are and a good measure of who we are. Collecting is an act of self-realization. One collects books and builds a library to create an intensified environment. It is a philosophical statement as this room is […]

On Bibliophiles

Reading, the unpunished vice, promises, as most vices do, a finer world within the world. Beyond the narrow realm of our senses is the greater reality retained in and contained by that cumbersome and collectable commodity, the book. While all book collectors consider themselves bibliophiles, most bibliophiles perceive collecting as the precious sport of a […]