Revolutionary & Colonial Washington Heights, Harlem, Africa, West Indies, Art, Myth, History & Literature: Slavery, Reconstruction, Jim Crow, Theology, Military, Labor, Civil Rights, Negritude, Black Power.
Monday morning and I am still marveling at the tall so-fey Alabaman Alvin Ailey dancer who visited the shop on Saturday afternoon. After fielding the usual query to my ulterior motives, I was informed that a lot of black people don’t like to be reminded of their past, as it is too painful. “A lot […]
Lady Murasaki, Isabelle Eberhardt, Willa Cather, Anna Akhmatova, Marianne Moore, Gertrude Stein, Anita Loos, Djuna Barnes, Zora Neale Hurston, Jean Rhys, Eudora Welty, Elizabeth Bishop, Flannery O’Connor, Dawn Powell, Caroline Gordon, Grace Metalious, Pauline Réage, Violette Ledoc, Claire Lispector, M.F.K. Fisher, Paula Fox, Patricia Highsmith, Joan Didion, Fran Lebowitz, Kate Millett, Susanna Moore, Nawal el-Saadawi, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. […]